Re: Fingerd Summary

Adam Shostack (
Fri, 21 Oct 94 15:20:46 EDT

| Here's another feature we'd like to see: allowing fingering specific
| people, but not a generic finger of a machine, which could be used to
| learn login ids.  Which of the fingerds you looked at had that feature?

	rfingerd could be made to do that with a little input
filtering.  Its perl, so the input filter should be pretty simple--if
anyone writes one, please pass it on to me.  No need to reinvent the
wheel.  :)

	fingerd-1.0 has the ability built in.

	sfinger provides it by only allowing certain finger targets,
defined by the existance of a file in its directory (which is the
output of finger.)

	Both rfingerd & fingerd-1.0 call /usr/ucb finger.  If you
replace that with gnu finger, gnu finger allows you to define
arbitrary actions, including a 'default' target if no argument is
given.  If this default target is site info, you get the effect of not
allowing 'generic' fingers.

	Also, don't forget to turn off rusers.  :)
